Thursday, September 14, 2017

James Milgram -- Common Core's Effect on Higher Education

Please start looking up what Common Core actually is and not what those who are benefitting from the sale of this mess are telling you that it is...

Dr James Milgram understands what common core is and what it is not; because he was there after the "profit makers" (not educators or teachers) designed it.
They brought him on staff to look over the program and give his seal of approval on the program...

What they didn't expect was that he would not give his approval and would do the exact opposite; along with Dr Sandra Stotski, but would go out around the country to speak out against it's implementation.

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Democrat Rep.: "Have you looked at euthanasia?"

The democrat party is the party of death and destruction... How can a person that is claiming Christ remain in the current democrat party ...