Friday, September 29, 2017

The Mark of the Beast - A video about The Chip

we've heard about the "Mark of the Beast" regardless of our being Christian or not 

It's become part of the world conversation that for those who don't read the bible have relegated to sci-fy movies... 

The chip is no longer a sci-fy idea but is actively being used in other parts of the world and now starting to be promoted here in the USA by some companies for their employees and even one offering it to their customers as well.

This is a documentary that was created over in the UK a couple of years ago;

With a local company making the news a few months ago talking on the news how they're having their employees chipped and offering it to their customers I was wondering what others thoughts were about the "Chip" and it's relationship to the "Mark of the Beast"...

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Democrat Rep.: "Have you looked at euthanasia?"

The democrat party is the party of death and destruction... How can a person that is claiming Christ remain in the current democrat party ...