Tillett for Connecticut blog posting thoughts, questions, information and items of interest for discussion especially people in the 2nd CT State Senate District (cities of Hartford, Bloomfield and Windsor)
Friday, August 26, 2016
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Thursday, August 18, 2016
August End of Month Money Bomb
We need your assistance to fight the Taxing Tyrants in Hartford.
Will you help us with a donation of $20.16 or more in our fight against the #TaxingTyranny of the democrats in our capitol hill?
These career politicians are well funded & working hard to keep their positions of power over us. We are working towards bringing some sanity to our crazy capitol hill.
The career politicians have lost touch with the reality of what they do up there on capitol hill is hurting our families every day.
Do they think we all have money trees growing in our yards? Taxes are hurting us as we pay increased prices for everything now to start with but on top of that our elected officials have added more taxes.
Oh they love to say it's just a little tax but it's slashing into our family budgets a thousand little slashes everyday.
We need YOUR Help to fight the career politicians in Hartford,
Show your support for Common Sense Spending & Balancing the State Budget with your social shares & your donation today.
Help us get Theresa Tillett up to the Citizen's Election Qualification Funding Goals so that we can go into battle fully armed.
Thank You for Your Qualifying Donations.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
Monday, August 1, 2016
Special On African American Conservatives - 4-8-13
Hannity had a special on air back in 2013 after Dr Ben Carson first got the attention of the public after he spoke against the policies of the democrats during a presidential breakfast.
That speech brought Dr Carson to the nation's attention because the left's talking heads went on air & publicly assassinated his character because he dared to speak up for old fashioned black family values on a national platform.
The group of Black Conservatives spoke about the history of racism & the attacks by the democrats upon any black that dares to not follow lock step with their oppressive plans for the blacks in the USA. The need for our community to have "Political" & "Financial" education so that we can gain power as black families.
The sad commentary that I would add in answering the question about why does the black community keep voting for the democrats rather than republicans as they used to do in the past, is that in recent years after so many years of allowing the democrats to tell the lies that the republicans are afraid to go into the communities where they need to be.
It is a self fulfilling prophecy when the republicans say why bother going into the community when they do not vote for us & the community of course is saying why should we vote for you when you are not coming to our community?
Isn't it time to spend some time getting to know each other & exchanging ideas & talking about the needed solutions to the problems? Quitting is NOT an option just because it is hard work & it's going to be difficult.
Democrat Rep.: "Have you looked at euthanasia?"
The democrat party is the party of death and destruction... How can a person that is claiming Christ remain in the current democrat party ...
A #SaturdaySilly as well as a set of #AprilsFoolDay celebration cocktails
The democrat party is the party of death and destruction... How can a person that is claiming Christ remain in the current democrat party ...
Today my #Artful8ths post is sharing a video of a friend; Paul "PEZMan1963" Z.; who has left CT )0;} PEZ; as he is af...