Tillett for Connecticut blog posting thoughts, questions, information and items of interest for discussion especially people in the 2nd CT State Senate District (cities of Hartford, Bloomfield and Windsor)
Thursday, December 28, 2017
CNN Meme War (Starship Troopers) InfoWars #CNNBlackmail #CNNMemeWar
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
The Story Of Kwanzaa: From Civil Rights To Corporate America
It has been more of a Community Celebration than a Private Family Celebration for the majority of people that our family has known in these modern times. A time of reflection & respecting our elders & enjoying our neighbors, community members, friends, blood family our wider circle of unrelated but we consider them to be family.
The intent of the celebration is to encourage & instill positive values from the elders to the younger generations as well as foster a sense of belonging in the community. Many community celebrations have a marketplace area to not only buy items but additionally connect people with community services that they may have been unaware of.
Have you been to a Community Kwanzaa Celebration in your area?
The video below explains some of the history of Kwanzaa
Monday, December 18, 2017
Monday, December 4, 2017
A Message To Conservatives - CPAC 2013
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving
From our family to yours
we wish you a
Happy & Safe Thanksgiving
Hope that you are enjoying the
Blessings of a bountiful year
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Veterans Day 2016: Silent Night
Veterans Day 2016: Silent Night
a musical tribute
for the men and women
who are fighting to protect us here at home
so that we can have our freedoms and peace
Friday, November 10, 2017
Battle Hymn of the Republic Happy Birthday US Marines
Friday, November 3, 2017
Why were there UnContested Races in CT in 2016?
Have the RTCs dedicated themselves towards actually doing some things differently?
Maybe even starting with the leadership of those RTCs; is there stagnation or a general malaise due to needing to update the local party with new ideas?
Have the campaigns started working TOGETHER instead of only working with "the sure winner" as an attempt to grow the party in CT like is being done in other parts of the country?
Below is what I originally wrote in 2016... are things improving as we look ahead to next week and next year?
It is true there are too many UnContested Races in CT's General Assembly this year & in years past & if things do not change this will be the future as well...
The July 21st article in the Hartford Courant http://www.courant.com/opinion/op-ed/hc-ed-too-many-ct-seats-uncontested-0721-20160720-story.html
points out that "due to apathy" & "lack of leadership" seats are going uncontested during a year when there should be not only full ballots but also high voter turnout since it is a presidential election year
Copied & pasted from the article
"What a shame, then, that more than 25 percent of the House seats will go unchallenged by a major-party candidate, along with four seats in the Senate."
& also this from the article
" 16 Democrats will run unopposed by a Republican, nearly all of them incumbents, according to preliminary information from the secretary of the state's office. "
Shame on the local party leadership for not running full tickets;
but also shame on the cities & towns people that have not stepped up to run for office.
"We the People" means that each citizen has a responsibility to take some small part in running the country;
That means not just showing up once every couple of years to vote a party line without knowing what the issues are but attending town & even state level meetings at the town halls & state capitol.
What are You going to do to change the "defeatist" attitude that is running rampant in our state?
What are You going to do to help #FlipTheGeneralAssembly ?
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Be Safe this Halloween 2017
Be Safe while you go out to Trick or Treat
& have your Halloween Fun -
Remember to:
Wear light colors & bring flashlights so you can see & be seen
Walk on the sidewalks not in the streets
Try to go out in groups together
Never Go Inside the House of a stranger
Wait to eat the treats until you get home & are able to check the wrappers for tampering in the full light - sadly there are people out there who have tampered with the candy in years past
Monday, October 30, 2017
Bernie Sanders - Halloween 2015
Friday, October 27, 2017
What is this?
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
State Senator Michael McLachlan Override the Veto Danbury Press Conferen...
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
TBT - Liberty Unplugged - Political Television Ad
but they just do not seem to care how much our families are hurting...
They have their cushie benefits they do not care about our families
Their political crony friends push out fear mongering half truths and outright lies about the balanced budget that the governor vetoed...
Call the elected officials and tell them
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Senator Witkos and Senator Miner Overide the Veto Press Conference Torri...
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Gov. Ricardo Rosselló On Crisis In Storm-Ravaged Puerto Rico | The View
Friday, September 29, 2017
The Mark of the Beast - A video about The Chip
we've heard about the "Mark of the Beast" regardless of our being Christian or not
It's become part of the world conversation that for those who don't read the bible have relegated to sci-fy movies...
The chip is no longer a sci-fy idea but is actively being used in other parts of the world and now starting to be promoted here in the USA by some companies for their employees and even one offering it to their customers as well.
This is a documentary that was created over in the UK a couple of years ago;
With a local company making the news a few months ago talking on the news how they're having their employees chipped and offering it to their customers I was wondering what others thoughts were about the "Chip" and it's relationship to the "Mark of the Beast"...
Thursday, September 28, 2017
A Zombie Croc - Trailer
An early Halloween #Artful8ths offering
With this being almost October; the month when scary movies are highlighted, it's a fitting indie film to consider
We've picked out this B Movie which is available for "On Demand" purchase over on youtube; as a silly scary movie that we're considering watching this coming month.
Are you a fan of B Movies?
Grab the popcorn for Friday Night Movies
What B Movies have been your favorites over the years?
Sunday, September 24, 2017
NOAA's 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook
Are You Ready for Hurricane Season?
a quick reminder video from NOAA about the need to get your family prepared with a kit and a plan for the 2017 hurricane season which in our area runs from June to November 30th
Monday, September 18, 2017
History of the Bill of Rights
Constitution Day seems to be a forgotten holiday in the USA but maybe it's time that families go to their school boards and demand that it gets the attention that it should be getting...
This video explains just a bit of the history of our Bill of Rights. Thanks to Matt Fitzgibbons from Patriot Music Connecticut's resident Musical Historian.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
James Milgram -- Common Core's Effect on Higher Education
Monday, September 11, 2017
9-11 Questioning Our Memory
* - September 11th 2001 - *
The Day the American Homeland Was Attacked
Today in History for September 11th
Today in History
The Day the USA mainland was successfully attacked...
Will we always Remember 9-11-01?
Where were YOU when it happened?
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Thursday, September 7, 2017
**Returning to Sound Money** with John F. McManus at #CampConstitution 7...
Our monetary system is not working for the citizens of the United States & it has been that way for many years but it can be fixed if we return to "Sound Money"
Watch John F. McMannis explain how it can be fixed
Today in History for September 7th
Will they ever solve the mystery of the conspiracy theory of the murder of Tupac?
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Dr. Duke Pesta on Common Core and the Shocking Sexual Education Standard...
As we are now approaching the municipal election cycles where our town council members and board of education members will be elected it might be a good time for you to start asking the canddates where they stand and what do they know about Common Core and what is going to be taught to our children in our public schools.
Do you know what is being taught to your children or do you mistakenly think that our public schools are teaching our children to read, write and critically think like they used to do many many years ago?
Our taxes keep being raised yet for all of the money that is being spent what is happening in our schools?
Are our children being better educated or are we just wasting our money on highly paid administrators who in turn waste money on highly over priced items that do not actually help our students?
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Black, Millennial, Female and… Conservative
Antonia Okafor talks about being a Black, Millennial, Female who is CONSERVATIVE.
Her story is repeated across the country for minority men and women as more people question what they have been told over the years vs what they can see with their own eyes.
Have you started to question what you're being told?
Have you lost friends or fear losing friends if you speak about having conservative values?
Monday, August 14, 2017
Today in History for August 14th
Today in History
Japan Officially Surrendered, the Social Security act was signed & Steve Martin was born
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Hilarious Trump Christmas Parody “It’s The Most Wonderful Time in 8 Years”
Let's have some fun with a fun little parody tune from last year when it was a little cooler in the weather and the nation was waiting for the new year to begin...
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Today in History for July 23rd
1967 Race Riots in Detroit killing 43 people & in NJ killed 2 dozen not a pleasant part of our history but it was a part of our history... we should learn from our past so that we can celebrate how far we have come & work to change things so that we do not repeat the bad results
1885 Ulysses Grant former president & Union General passed away - he was an interesting character not the greatest of presidents but not the worst either.
Without the Civil War or the rough times of the civil rights movement we'd not be able to celebrate the accomplishments that we do now have in our modern time. Is it perfect utopia for us? No but it is far better than it was in the past. We do have options today that earlier in my lifetime we did not have.
1984 First Black Miss America = Vanessa Williams
2000 Tiger Woods at age 24 becomes youngest golfer to complete career Grand Slam
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Friday, July 21, 2017
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
The Russian's Fault? "Hillary's America" Trailer
With all of the talk in the news about the "Russians" being at fault for Hillary losing the race last year;
I honestly wonder if more of the blame could be placed upon this movie by Dinesh D'Souza? "Hillary's America" was released in the theaters in the early summer with the dvd in the retail stores like WalMart & Target in late September or early October.
Were documentaries like that and "Clinton Cash" released for free on the internet more directly responsible for the 2016 losses of the democrats?
Did you see the movie "Hillary's America"?
Did you share the movie or "Clinton Cash" with friends and family when the movies and dvds came out?
Today in History for July 18th
Today in History July 18th
A short video recap of some of the historical happenings on this day
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Friday, July 14, 2017
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Monday, July 10, 2017
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Independence Day
Happy Independence Day!
Friday, June 30, 2017
Overview of America
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Henson Ong - Patriot speaks about 2A #TBT 2013
Henson Ong is a Legal Immigrant to America who has become an American citizen. Henson Ong testified at the Jan 28th 2013 Legislative Office Building in Hartford CT.
At the public hearing he explains the history of guns and the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms.
Henson reminded us of historical events here and abroad and with lawsuit references reminds us that gun ownership has been upheld by numerous court rulings.
Gun ownership is both a right that is written as a reminder to the government in both the US & CT constitutions that the people have the right to defend themselves and their states but that right to self defense is an inalienable right...
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Fwd: Malloy Budget Mess
Contact or Visit Governor Malloy
Office of the Governor
210 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106
TDD: (860) 524-7397 Fax: (860) 524-7396
From: Connecticut Republican Party <info@ct.gop>
Date: Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 11:48 AM
Subject: Malloy Budget Mess
Friday, June 23, 2017
Hartford JazzFest 2017
It's Almost Time Again for the Annual Hartford JazzFest!
This year it's Friday the 14th through to Sunday July 16th.
Will you be attending this year? Grab your lawn chairs or blankets & plenty of sunscreen.
I hope to see you there, enjoying this fun family musical festival in the park.
Friday, June 9, 2017
Connecticut News
There is another citizen reporter on the scene
Yankee Tea News with Cort Wrotnowski
Coming to you with news and views from the perspective of the CT Tea Party from Stamford CT
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Congratulations 2014 - HUHS Staff LipDub to Happy!
Friday, May 26, 2017
Memorial Day: Why We Remember
To many of our school children in our modern day with the proper history of American and world history no longer being taught, the reason for the holiday is being forgotten.
There are too many children no longer having actual knowledge of what wars of our recent past have been like. With the older generations dying off with stories no longer being told about what it was like during those times.
As the "community memory" of our elders die off the reason we celebrate Memorial Day is becoming lost to only being the reason that the family gathers and has a BBQ after going out shopping the sales...
Monday, May 8, 2017
Today in History for May 8
VE Day is the Victory in Europe to celebrate the end of WW2 with Germany being defeated
Wounded Knee - a sad historical place where in South Dakota a 2nd event occurred as a tribe tried to hold onto their heritage
Coca-Cola -
Let it Be released but the Beatles were no longer a band
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Tax Freedom Day May 21st 2017
May 21st 2017
This makes us the last state in the country to finally have worked enough to pay for the amount of state and federal income taxes that we are supposed to owe....
The way that it looks with the continual news of the mismanagement of the previous funds that were stolen out of our families mouths this date will be pushed back even further back next year...
Each new report puts us further in the hole because there is no sense up at the capitol that spending must be cut so that our families are not hurt further...
If you are tired of these elected officials continuously stealing from our families then come on down to the capitol on May 21st 2017 & Tell them to STOP!!!
#SharingIsCaring - Share on Social Media to Alert All of your friends
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Special Elections State Rep Dist 7 & 68 #nq
Did you Vote Today?
The general answer that I was given is "we'll have to look at that as a possibility" and a vote on that may come out on that this week on Wednesday night's meeting. The town charter only states that a budget vote has to happen prior to June 30th so there is enough time to be able to hold off on the first vote until after the session ends.
Democrat Rep.: "Have you looked at euthanasia?"
The democrat party is the party of death and destruction... How can a person that is claiming Christ remain in the current democrat party ...
A #SaturdaySilly as well as a set of #AprilsFoolDay celebration cocktails
The democrat party is the party of death and destruction... How can a person that is claiming Christ remain in the current democrat party ...
Today my #Artful8ths post is sharing a video of a friend; Paul "PEZMan1963" Z.; who has left CT )0;} PEZ; as he is af...