Tillett for Connecticut blog posting thoughts, questions, information and items of interest for discussion especially people in the 2nd CT State Senate District (cities of Hartford, Bloomfield and Windsor)
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Pryme Minister "GRAY" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - Artful 8ths
He's going places so keep an eye on him & please share his video
Monday, December 5, 2016
West Hartford Town Hall - Bronin Pushing Regionalism - Ed Peruta Off the Cuff
The Pinch
Call your elected officials at the state capitol this week
Tell them to Work on Balancing the Budget by making the cuts that are needed instead of cutting services that help our families.
Now is the time for our elected officials to get to work towards starting the much needed downsizing of our government.
They can start by cutting the extra expenses that they have forced us to pay for like big cuts to the CEP Program.
The CEP aka Citizens Election Program gives taxpayer money to the candidates that have "qualified" by raising certain levels of money. The amount varies by race & party but the amounts are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for state senate & state rep positions & in the millions for the statewide races.
That money can be better spent making certain that we have the needed services for the families that are needed to meet Basic Needs.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Problematic Hartford Commissions
There is a serious problem going on down at Hartford's Town Hall
There are many commissions that do not have the full number of people that are mandated to have citizens of Hartford sitting on them.
When the new mayor took over he forced out prior to having replacements many of the republican commissioners. #BrokeBronin basically got rid of anyone who might oppose the plans that he & his wife have for Hartford taxpayers.
Meanwhile the citizens of Hartford are in fact suffering while the commissions like the Civilian Police Review Board do not meet in a Proper & Timely Manner
Below is a report by Rachel Baird of a recent trip to Hartford only to discover that the Commission Meeting had been cancelled because ONE person on the board was sick & unable to attend.
There are supposed to be 9 people on the board with a minimum of FIVE (5) people in attendance but ONLY 5 people are currently sitting on the board! There are FOUR (4) Missing Commissioners because #BrokeBronin is refusing to allow the correct number of people to be appointed on to it!
Are the people living in Hartford aware of this problem?
If they are why are they not demanding that these seats be filled with people from the community?
Have they been demanding that these seats be filled only to fall on the deaf ears of the mayor & his wife?
Where are the former commission members from all of the commissions that were removed & until their replacements are properly installed they need to be back in place this is why there is so much corruption going on in city hall, there is intentional dysfunction of the process.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Holiday Fun before Thanksgiving
take a few minutes break &
enjoy this bit of musical fun
that combines both
Christmas & Thanksgiving into one (0;}
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Native Americans For Trump #OpNoDapl Donald Trump And Republicans pleas...
People of all races are looking at Donald Trump;
As being the one person to change the way that things are being done because they think that being an outsider that Donald will not continue the policies of our current corrupt administration.
Donald seems to be the only one who is actually going out to the places that he hears there is a need for assistance.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Make Connecticut Great Again - UnclePhil2016 #4
#HadEnough ?
Then this year do something different & #VoteRowBinCT
Tillett4CT CT Solutions - ReBuild CT
We can ReBuild CT but in order to Fix CT we must get rid of the career politicians that created the mess in the first place.
We have seen time after time, year after year the debt filled debacles in Hartford the broken promises & the outright lies told to us by the democrats in office.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Ice Cube: ‘Donald Trump is What Americans Love’ About ‘The American Dream’
Ice Cube; a man of many talents, Rapper, Actor & Movie Director speaks about Donald Trump on Bloomberg Politics
Sunday, October 30, 2016
SB422 Keep CT Water in CT_v2
CT Our Water is about to be Stolen.
Men & Women have conspired to give our water away at bargain basement prices to a corporation while raising our rates & risking running our wells dry.
#HadEnough ?
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Democrat vs Republican Rap Battle | Hypocrite Twins
Monday, October 24, 2016
Blacks voting and supporting Trump
More importantly asking the question WHY Should You Support a Candidate, look past the party & start looking at the issues that they say they support &
1) Ask does the policy plan "sound good"?
2) Then ask the big questions of "How will it be paid for?"
3) Can YOU Afford to pay for it because Nothing is FREE
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Dinesh Dsouza's Hillary's America Leaked
I went with a group of friends (one family of 4 included just graduated teens) to see the movie on Sunday opening weekend. It was very worth going to see it in the theater on the big screen not just with your conservative friends & family but show it to some of your teens & college aged young adults & your liberal family & friends.
Dinesh Dsouza spoke during a break at the RNC at the InfoWars news studio & explains what the film is about.
The DVD will be released on October 11th, you can preorder it now at WalMart.com. Not certain if they'll be selling the video in the actual stores some of his videos & books they do & others they choose not to.
If you pre-order it; have it sent to the store for pick up & maybe that will encourage them to have a supply in stock for the rest of the public to purchase too. I have never seen 2016 Obama's America in the local WalMarts but I was able to buy the dvd of his movie America.
Hopefully this dvd will be in the stores so that it will be available to the general public.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Monday, October 3, 2016
The Donald Trump video every Jew MUST watch!
While watching ask yourselves who are YOU listening to & have you actually done any research on the issues or the man?
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Friday, September 30, 2016
Senator Tony Hwang Interviews Champagne Joy
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month & I thought that this video was a positive message to end the month of September with a positive note from a survivor as we head into October.
Will I see you wearing Pink this coming month?
Monday, September 26, 2016
Diamond and Silk Call Wayne Dupree 8/25/16
When the left has no solutions they Attack Personally in an attempt to Destroy the Opposition
Monday, September 19, 2016
Special On African American Conservatives - 4-8-13
Hannity had a special on air back in 2013 after Dr Ben Carson first got the attention of the public after he spoke against the policies of the democrats during a presidential breakfast.
That speech brought Dr Carson to the nation's attention because the left's talking heads went on air & publicly assassinated his character because he dared to speak up for old fashioned black family values on a national platform.
The group of Black Conservatives spoke about the history of racism & the attacks by the democrats upon any black that dares to not follow lock step with their oppressive plans for the blacks in the USA. The need for our community to have "Political" & "Financial" education so that we can gain power as black families.
The sad commentary that I would add in answering the question about why does the black community keep voting for the democrats rather than republicans as they used to do in the past, is that in recent years after so many years of allowing the democrats to tell the lies that the republicans are afraid to go into the communities where they need to be.
It is a self fulfilling prophecy when the republicans say why bother going into the community when they do not vote for us & the community of course is saying why should we vote for you when you are not coming to our community?
Isn't it time to spend some time getting to know each other & exchanging ideas & talking about the needed solutions to the problems? Quitting is NOT an option just because it is hard work & it's going to be difficult.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
September End of Qtr MoneyBomb
We need your assistance to fight the Taxing Tyrants in Hartford.
Will you help us with a donation of $20.16 or more in our fight against the #TaxingTyranny of the democrats in our capitol hill?
These career politicians are well funded & working hard to keep their positions of power over us.
We are working towards bringing some sanity to our crazy capitol hill.
The career politicians have lost touch with the reality of what they do up there on capitol hill is hurting our families every day.
Do they think we all have money trees growing in our yards?
Taxes are hurting us as we pay increased prices for everything now to start with but on top of that our elected officials have added more taxes.
Oh they love to say it's just a little tax but it's slashing into our family budgets a thousand little slashes everyday.
We need YOUR Help to fight the career politicians in Hartford,

Show your support for Common Sense Spending & Balancing the State Budget with your social shares & your donation today.
Help us get Theresa Tillett up to the Citizen's Election Qualification Funding Goal of $15,000.00 so that we can go into battle fully armed.
Thank You for Your Qualifying Donations.
Monday, September 12, 2016
August 2015 TTV National Call: DIY Election Integrity
Below is a video from the group True the Vote which gives a general simple idea of how to get started in doing the research & getting involved watch & grab some friends & Get Involved!
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Mileage Tax Is Coming #HadEnough yet?
Yes I'm doing a repost of an earlier post because we're running out of time to qualify for CEP FUNDING this cycle
Have you #HadEnough yet?
I need your assistance to help STOP #MalloysMess with your word of mouth spreading the news about this new invasion into our families wallets!
My campaign is small compared to the goliath of the democrat machine that my opponent Eric Coleman has both in manpower & cash available to spend.
But we must not quit just because the odds are great & the fight is rough - I'm not a quitter & neither are you!
We must All do our part working together
to Fight the Good Fight,
Fighting Tooth & Nail,
Leaving It All On the Battlefield,
to #DefeatTheDemocrats
Gov. Malloy has thrown his support behind the Mileage Tax.
This is a perfect opportunity for those of you who are writers to send letters to the editor and social media posts & memes stating that you oppose the enactment of this tax.
We must educate our friends & neighbors & coworkers about what is going to happen to us
This not only is a new tax but also is an example of government being able to monitor its residents every move via the gps recording your every trip...
to the store, to practices & classes for your children &
on trips your friends & family around the state & country.
We MUST Defeat the democrats this November otherwise this tax WILL Go In Place!
As you drive around the rest of this week I challenge you to think about how much It Will Cost You once this new tax is put into place. Every trip to & from work, to the store for food or parts for the DIY project or trips to pick up the children to & from games & practices, to church ...
EVERY TRIP Taxed by the Mile... Dannel & the Democrats will know where you've gone the route you took to get there & that is in addition to the nation's 3rd highest gas tax in the nation!!!
We are losing our freedoms daily & we MUST not sit home crumbling over dinner,
We MUST Stand Up & Say NO MORE!
We MUST Vote out the #TaxingTyranny
to Spread the Word,
to Donate what you can afford to the campaign
to Door Knock
to Call your friends & family
to Volunteer to work with the campaigns
Republicans have another way, there is the Better Plan the Senate Republicans put out regarding transportation.
Put out originally in 2015 & updated in Feb 2016
Help me to #FlipTheGeneralAssembly this November & #VoteRowB!
Share the post with your social networks & help us to #WinByWorkingTogether
Thank you
Theresa Tillett
*** Thank you for your support ***
Connect with us on our journey to the capitol on the web & social media;
Tillett for CT campaign
WebSite = http://TillettForCT.com
Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/tillettforct
Twitter = http://Twitter.com/Tillett4CT
G+ = https://plus.google.com/u/1/103209423017770273182
YouTube = http://YouTube.com/Tillett4CT
VoiceMail 24/7 = 641-715-3900 ext 327977#
Donate = https://causes.anedot.com/c223e3893f05b982a3053
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Tillett4CT Contact
Friday, September 2, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Thursday, August 18, 2016
August End of Month Money Bomb
We need your assistance to fight the Taxing Tyrants in Hartford.
Will you help us with a donation of $20.16 or more in our fight against the #TaxingTyranny of the democrats in our capitol hill?
These career politicians are well funded & working hard to keep their positions of power over us. We are working towards bringing some sanity to our crazy capitol hill.
The career politicians have lost touch with the reality of what they do up there on capitol hill is hurting our families every day.
Do they think we all have money trees growing in our yards? Taxes are hurting us as we pay increased prices for everything now to start with but on top of that our elected officials have added more taxes.
Oh they love to say it's just a little tax but it's slashing into our family budgets a thousand little slashes everyday.
We need YOUR Help to fight the career politicians in Hartford,
Show your support for Common Sense Spending & Balancing the State Budget with your social shares & your donation today.
Help us get Theresa Tillett up to the Citizen's Election Qualification Funding Goals so that we can go into battle fully armed.
Thank You for Your Qualifying Donations.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
Monday, August 1, 2016
Special On African American Conservatives - 4-8-13
Hannity had a special on air back in 2013 after Dr Ben Carson first got the attention of the public after he spoke against the policies of the democrats during a presidential breakfast.
That speech brought Dr Carson to the nation's attention because the left's talking heads went on air & publicly assassinated his character because he dared to speak up for old fashioned black family values on a national platform.
The group of Black Conservatives spoke about the history of racism & the attacks by the democrats upon any black that dares to not follow lock step with their oppressive plans for the blacks in the USA. The need for our community to have "Political" & "Financial" education so that we can gain power as black families.
The sad commentary that I would add in answering the question about why does the black community keep voting for the democrats rather than republicans as they used to do in the past, is that in recent years after so many years of allowing the democrats to tell the lies that the republicans are afraid to go into the communities where they need to be.
It is a self fulfilling prophecy when the republicans say why bother going into the community when they do not vote for us & the community of course is saying why should we vote for you when you are not coming to our community?
Isn't it time to spend some time getting to know each other & exchanging ideas & talking about the needed solutions to the problems? Quitting is NOT an option just because it is hard work & it's going to be difficult.
Friday, July 29, 2016
Ice Cube: ‘Donald Trump is What Americans Love’ About ‘The American Dream’
Ice Cube; a man of many talents, Rapper, Actor & Movie Director speaks about Donald Trump on Bloomberg Politics
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Why are there UnContested Races in CT?
The July 21st article in the Hartford Courant http://www.courant.com/opinion/op-ed/hc-ed-too-many-ct-seats-uncontested-0721-20160720-story.html
points out that "due to apathy" & "lack of leadership" seats are going uncontested during a year when there should be not only full ballots but also high voter turnout since it is a presidential election year
Copied & pasted from the article
"What a shame, then, that more than 25 percent of the House seats will go unchallenged by a major-party candidate, along with four seats in the Senate."
& also this from the article
" 16 Democrats will run unopposed by a Republican, nearly all of them incumbents, according to preliminary information from the secretary of the state's office. "
Shame on the local party leadership for not running full tickets;
but also shame on the cities & towns people that have not stepped up to run for office.
"We the People" means that each citizen has a responsibility to take some small part in running the country;
That means not just showing up once every couple of years to vote a party line without knowing what the issues are but attending town & even state level meetings at the town halls & state capitol.
What are You going to do to change the "defeatist" attitude that is running rampant in our state?
What are You going to do to help #FlipTheGeneralAssembly ?
Monday, July 25, 2016
CT Connection Hillary for Prison
With the recent news in CT Politics & the opening of the DNC Convention I thought that I would just share this little video that I made a few months back...
Reminding the voters just who it is that we have running CT & who wants to run our country...
#NeverHillary & Let's end #MalloysMess in November #VoteRowB to stop the #TaxingTyranny
Mileage Tax Is Coming #HadEnough yet?
Have you #HadEnough yet?
I need your assistance to help STOP #MalloysMess with your word of mouth spreading the news about this new invasion into our families wallets!
My campaign is small compared to the goliath of the democrat machine that my opponent Eric Coleman has both in manpower & cash available to spend.
But we must not quit just because the odds are great & the fight is rough - I'm not a quitter & neither are you!
We must All do our part working together
to Fight the Good Fight,
Fighting Tooth & Nail,
Leaving It All On the Battlefield,
to #DefeatTheDemocrats
Gov. Malloy has thrown his support behind the Mileage Tax.
This is a perfect opportunity for those of you who are writers to send letters to the editor and social media posts & memes stating that you oppose the enactment of this tax.
We must educate our friends & neighbors & coworkers about what is going to happen to us
This not only is a new tax but also is an example of government being able to monitor its residents every move via the gps recording your every trip...
to the store, to practices & classes for your children &
on trips your friends & family around the state & country.
We MUST Defeat the democrats this November otherwise this tax WILL Go In Place!
As you drive around the rest of this week I challenge you to think about how much It Will Cost You once this new tax is put into place. Every trip to & from work, to the store for food or parts for the DIY project or trips to pick up the children to & from games & practices, to church ...
EVERY TRIP Taxed by the Mile... Dannel & the Democrats will know where you've gone the route you took to get there & that is in addition to the nation's 3rd highest gas tax in the nation!!!
We are losing our freedoms daily & we MUST not sit home crumbling over dinner, we MUST Stand Up & Say NO MORE! We MUST Vote out the #TaxingTyranny
to Spread the Word,
to Donate what you can afford to the campaign
to Door Knock
to Call your friends & family
to Volunteer to work with the campaigns
Republicans have another way, there is the Better Plan the Senate Republicans put out regarding transportation.
Put out originally in 2015 & updated in Feb 2016
Help me to #FlipTheGeneralAssembly this November & #VoteRowB!
Thank you
Theresa Tillett
*** Thank you for your support ***
Connect with us on our journey to the capitol on the web & social media;
Tillett for CT campaign
WebSite = http://TillettForCT.com
Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/tillettforct
Twitter = http://Twitter.com/Tillett4CT
G+ = https://plus.google.com/u/1/103209423017770273182
YouTube = http://YouTube.com/Tillett4CT
VoiceMail 24/7 = 641-715-3900 ext 327977#
Donate = https://causes.anedot.com/c223e3893f05b982a3053
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
July End of Month Money Bomb
We need your assistance to fight the Taxing Tyrants in Hartford.
Will you help us with a donation of $20.16 or more in our fight against the #TaxingTyranny of the democrats in our capitol hill?
These career politicians are well funded and working hard to keep their positions of power over us.
We are working towards bringing some sanity to our crazy capitol hill.
The career politicians have lost touch with the reality of what they do up there on capitol hill is hurting our families every day.
Do they think we all have money trees growing in our yards?
Taxes are hurting us as we pay increased prices for everything now to start with but on top of that our elected officials have added more taxes.
Oh they love to say it's just a little tax but it's slashing into our family budgets a thousand little slashes everyday.
We need YOUR Help to fight the career politicians in Hartford,
Have you #HadEnough yet?
Show your support for Common Sense Spending and Balancing the State Budget with your social shares and your donation today.
Help us get Theresa Tillett up to the Citizen's Election Qualification Funding Goals so that we can go into battle fully armed.
Thank You for Your Qualifying Donations.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Today in History for July 18th
Today in History
July 18th
Start of the Spanish War
Chappaquiddick Troubles for Ted Kennedy 1969
Ricky Scaggs & Nelson Mandela born today
Monday, July 4, 2016
Happy Independence Day!
Have a fun & safe Independence Day!
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Today in History for June 30th
It is rather interesting that the movie The Purge: Election Year opens in some places tonight & to the rest of the cinema houses tomorrow... was that intentional timing with the historical purge by Hitler or just coincidence?
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Today in History for June 25th
Seems to be a day of battles & wars
The Korean war started by the invasion of the south by the north which pulled us into the "police action" for 3 years
Col. Custer lost the battle of Little Big Horn in 1876
Down in DC in 1973 the Watergate legal battle was in progress with John Dean testifying which lead to then president Nixon to resign from office in 1974
Friday, June 17, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
June End of Qtr MoneyBomb
We need your assistance to fight the Taxing Tyrants in Hartford.
Will you help us with a donation of $20.16 or more in our fight against the #TaxingTyranny of the democrats in our capitol hill?
These career politicians are well funded & working hard to keep their positions of power over us.
We are working towards bringing some sanity to our crazy capitol hill.
The career politicians have lost touch with the reality of what they do up there on capitol hill is hurting our families every day.
Do they think we all have money trees growing in our yards?
Taxes are hurting us as we pay increased prices for everything now to start with but on top of that our elected officials have added more taxes.
Oh they love to say it's just a little tax but it's slashing into our family budgets a thousand little slashes everyday.
We need YOUR Help to fight the career politicians in Hartford,

Show your support for Common Sense Spending & Balancing the State Budget with your social shares & your donation today.
Help us get Theresa Tillett up to the Citizen's Election Qualification Funding Goals so that we can go into battle fully armed.
Thank You for Your Qualifying Donations.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Today in History June 6 D Day
Today in History June 6th -
Today is another anniversary of D-Day
Do our children & grandchildren understand the importance of this day?
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
State Budget 2016 vs 2015
How can we Fix & ReBuild CT if we keep sending the people back to Hartford that created the problems in the first place?
The Democrats are driving our state into bankruptcy!
They keep increasing our taxes which is hurting our families!
The tax increases are also hurting businesses which are threatening to close up shop & pull out of CT & move to states which are business friendly!
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Tapped - Water Wars in CT Now
Niagara water will be affecting not just the wells in Bloomfield as it takes out the water from the water shed in that area
but will also be removing the water from the MDC Reservoir so that our families will be paying more money for the water
The water bottling plant is planning to make our families end up on water restrictions as this company breaks the natural water cycle.
This is where Man Made Droughts come from... they used to teach about the water cycle in public schools - water comes down in rain, pools the extra not used by the plants & slowly evaporates into the sky & when enough water vapor is in the clouds to make them heavy the rain is released again
Not even mentioning the pollution that will occur as this plant plans to make plastic bottles right there at the facility they plan to build.
If you want to protect the water that is OURS then you need to get active & start attending some of these town meetings & demand that the MDC Town Rep be held accountable. Demand that the MDC Town Rep report to your town council what is happening Each & Every Month not yearly or even quarterly but each & every month. So that your family is protected from this corporate attempt to steal our water.
Monday, April 4, 2016
August Wolf 01/14/2016 Part 1
He met with several citizens from various parts of the state to answer their questions in January.
Augie is a father of 4 teenage children & he is looking to make CT & the USA a better place for his children who are in high school & college.
Currently he is the only Announced Candidate that has filed the paperwork to run.
There is a "Draft Jack" campaign for Jack Orchulli to run after Larry Kudlow said that he has decidd he will not run for the office this year.
Joe Visconti has filed the paperwork for "Exploratory" but hasn't announced that he is officially running yet.
There is the strong possibility that State Rep Dan Carter will be throwing his hat in the ring to run for the seat, he has stated that he will not run for re-election of his current seat.
We hope to be able to speak to the other candidates as they officially announce they have filed the paperwork to run. Those who are willing to meet with us will be recorded & posted as this interview session here has been.
It is important to ask the candidates questions & understand their positions to determine if you should be giving them your vote in the primaries & general election.
Friday, April 1, 2016
Libertarian Presidential Debate LIVE
John Stossel moderates the Libertarian Presidential Debate on the Fox Business Channel April 1st 2016
The 3 presidential candidates:
Gary Johnson - former Governor of New Mexico
John McAfee - Anti-Virus Software Development Company
Austin Petersen - Founder of the Libertarian Republic
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Who is the Rotten Egg in CT? #MalloysMess
https://youtu.be/Pv_XZAOu53E - subscribe for updates
Just a little political humor as we head into Easter Sunday
Month End Fund Raising Money Bomb
Will you help us with a donation of $20.16 or more in our fight against the #TaxingTyranny of the democrats in our capitol hill?
These career politicians are well funded & working hard to keep their positions of power over us.
We are working towards bringing some sanity to our crazy capitol hill.
The career politicians have lost touch with the reality of what they do up there on capitol hill is hurting our families every day.
Do they think we all have money trees growing in our yards?
Taxes are hurting us as we pay increased prices for everything now to start with but on top of that our elected officials have added more taxes.
Oh they love to say it's just a little tax but it's slashing into our family budgets a thousand little slashes everyday.
We need YOUR Help to fight the career politicians in Hartford,

Show your support for Common Sense Spending & Balancing the State Budget with your social shares & your donation today.
Help us get Theresa Tillett up to the Citizen's Election Qualification Funding Goal of $15,000.00 so that we can go into battle fully armed.
Thank You for Your Qualifying Donations.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Happy Easter! 2016
The Happy Easter message from Dr Alveda King from last year in 2015.
Enjoy it as we prepare for Easter 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016
2016 Windsor Shad Derby Festival Events
The many Shad Derby Festival Events are kicking off already
So take some time & have some fun as we head into Shad Derby Season in Windsor!
Hope to see you at some of the events
Friday, March 18, 2016
Tax Increases in CT Chases Away Jobs
When looking at which branches & offices to close or consolidate the bottomline is that the companies do what is best for them.
To cut expenses they shut the doors of the CT locations because economically for them it makes sense to leave a state with high taxes & high costs to do business.
We have very few actual small business owners, farmers & working class people in our elected offices now so the elected officials have no interest in caring how their increasing taxes hurts not just the economy but the entire state of CT.
The elected officials do not seem to care that as those who have the ability to leave are doing so at an alarming rate while there is no decrease in the number of people who need public services that are funded by the taxpaying businesses & working families.
At some point in the very near future there just will not be the taxpayer base to pay for all of the services or the special projects that the elected have forced us into.
We are very near that point as it is but CT has been borrowing money to pay it's bills...
What happens when CT will no longer be extended credit?
How will CT pay it's bills?
Will the democrats in office that keep adding more mouths to feed to our state welfare rolls start pitting the citizen welfare recipient against the refugee & illegal welfare recipients who are given more rights than those who have been here since slave days?
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Heritage Action Presidential Forum: Take Back America
So as I find them online I will be posting any & all debates & forums so that you can watch take notes & decide...
Who best represents you & your family's best interests in a responsible manner.
Is your candidate choice still in the running? Be certain to support your candidates during the primary.
Today's presentation is the video of the 5+ hours from the Heritage Action Presidential Forum back in Sept of 2015.
It's not actually a debate because each candidate is on stage by themselves with the moderator & panel on the 2 sides & taking questions from both the panel & the audience.
This gives us time to see what the candidate has to say without all of the debate moderators "gotcha now fight" style questioning which has been rampant in the early 2015 debates looking for ratings & catfights on stage.
The best way to watch this video is really to start playing it minimize the window & then while you're listening do your other work. The first 10 or so minutes are informational about Heritage Action so if you do not know who they are you can watch that prior to minimizing the window.
The video didn't come through so let me try again
Monday, February 8, 2016
**Joe Markley ~ The Average Person Can Run For The State Legislature and...
The big races for congress & statewide races need lots of money & many volunteers...
but for the state senate races all that is needed to qualify for state funding is someone willing to step up & run; with the campaign team working to raise $15,000 (which can be raised both in & out of the district) & 20 volunteers.
Want to get involved in helping to #SaveOurState ?
Can you donate some time in your day to #TakeBackCT ?
Then Join the Action & Join #TeamTillett
We are looking for people to join the ranks of the fighters for freedom in CT!
We need people in all sorts of positions to fight to #MakeCTGreatAgain
We need your help to get to the capitol & donations of time as well as donations as small as $5.00 to maximum of $100.00 are needed to reach our CEP goal of $15k
Email us: Theresa@WindsorRepublicans.com
Monday, February 1, 2016
Meet the Slave Who Changed the Nation | Scott Ott Thought
Scott Ott introduces us to "the Slave Who Changed a Nation"
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Fox News and Google present the 7th Republican Debate
GOP, Fox News & Google have teamed up to livestream the #GOPDebates
The first debate starts at 7pm eastern & the 2nd starts at 9pm eastern
The 2nd debate is steeped in controversy because Donald Trump is holding an event instead of attending the debate...
For some reason it's ok for Rand Paul to not attend a debate on the small stage but not ok for Donald Trump to not attend which actually benefits Rand Paul because it gives him the missing spot
Don't miss the Fox News/Google GOP Debate!
with the main debate starting at 9pm
The 2nd debate will have competition from Donald Trump's event for #Veterans.
Mike Huckabee has publicly stated that he will attend the event that Donald is holding to support the veterans.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
NBC News-YouTube Democratic Debate 1-17-16
The #DemDebate tonight will be shown on youtube as well as tv tonight at 9pm
Thursday, January 14, 2016
2016 Republican Presidential Primary Death Quiz
Monday, January 4, 2016
CNN to host Obama town hall on guns in America
Obama will be taking to the airways of CNN to promote his latest UnConstitutional Gun Grabbing Ideas on Thursday at 8pm.
I won't be watching his Jim Crow sales pitch because I have an important meeting that night. I do expect that whatever comes out of his mouth our governor Malloy will jump up & start trying to implement here in CT as soon as the CCN Circus is over.
The claim is that he'll be taking questions from the audience; what is not stated is that the people & questions will be friendly handpicked for the occasion to promote the disarmament ideas rather than people who are gun owners.
There is no debate nor disagreement with his ideas allowed; nor is it allowed by any of the democrats when they are running for offices here in CT.
#YouHaveAChoice to continue with the status quo or you can have a #FreshNewStart...
Help #TeamTillett get to the capitol by joining the team, giving of your time or even a small donation of $5.00 (maximum $100) can help us reach our CEP goal of $15k
#VoteRowB to help us #MakeCTGreatAgain
Friday, January 1, 2016
Democrat Rep.: "Have you looked at euthanasia?"
The democrat party is the party of death and destruction... How can a person that is claiming Christ remain in the current democrat party ...
A #SaturdaySilly as well as a set of #AprilsFoolDay celebration cocktails
The democrat party is the party of death and destruction... How can a person that is claiming Christ remain in the current democrat party ...
Today my #Artful8ths post is sharing a video of a friend; Paul "PEZMan1963" Z.; who has left CT )0;} PEZ; as he is af...